Andrew Ng
The most interesting aspect of the adoption of biomimicry of the hedgehog spines as a mode of shock absorbent. This allows a hedgehog to fall from high places without seriously injuring themselves, by rolling into a ball, thus making its spines erect. By conducting research and literature reviews on the spines of the hedgehog, and the mechanics of its deformation during impact was examined. The microscopic cross-section of the hedgehog spine was studied, and compared to quills, as they both fall into the hair category. It was later concluded that quills do not absorb much shock, and breaks easily as compared to quills. So, the hedgehog spines were used in order to adopt its characteristics onto our bio-inspired kneepads. I believe that this product has already been created by a company called Hedgemon, hence this proposed idea cannot be patented. This is because the functionality of our knee pads are similar to that of their hedgehog spine inspired helmet. This effectively removed the novelty of this idea, thus eliminating the patentability of this idea.
Working in a team has most definitely made this project easier, as research load was definitely lightened with the help of each group members. Tasks were assigned in accordance to the core competencies of each group member in order to efficiently finish this blog. As the group leader, I am proud of each member, as they attend meetings even though they are busy with their own personal commitments. Besides that, although not all team mates see eye to eye about everything, they were professional enough to put their feelings aside in order to reach a compromise. The creation of this blog has taught me that the nature is the best source of design inspiration, as evolution has resulted in organisms with certain special characteristic that can solve our everyday challenges.
Mohamed Ehab
Biomimetics was definitely a very interesting topic to study, nature have always fascinated me and seeking to understand it and discover it has always been a goal to achieve. Approaching nature through engineering biomimetics was interesting as it explained nature processes by relating it to our field of study, which made the subject even more approachable and exciting. Nature is very complex and organized, systems of organisms work together beautifully in a hierarchical order that should be a source of inspiration for any engineer or innovator. Seeking to perfect engineering processes and products through studying nature has proved to be very successful. It was mind opening studying some products that were developed through inspiration by nature.
Working to develop a product based on inspiration by nature with a group of course mates was new and interesting to us. It was a great experience learning more about hedgehogs and using their physical characteristics to further modify and improve an already existing product to serve users better and enhance their safety. I would like to thank all my team members for their hard work and professionalism during the module. Lastly the module was very eye opening and I plan to continue to study nature and get further inspiration from its complex systems.
'Arif Akmal
Hedgehogs, other than being cute, it didn't occur to me that hedgehog quills also function as shock absorber (only to be informed by my teammates during group formation stage of this assignment). This natural characteristic is very useful for hedgehogs, who spent most of the time on a tree needed to jump of the tree to escape from predators allowing the hedgehogs to curl itself into a ball and land on the ground unscathed. Upon further researches and literature reviews, there have been numerous amount of researches related to bio-mimicking the structure of hedgehog quills and how it is arranged with the ultimate goal of applying the nature inspired feature into safety gear such as helmets and knee pad. As mentioned by Andrew Ng, product who integrate such idea has already been produced thus eliminating any opportunities of patenting this idea. Nevertheless, researchers are striving to delve into the unique capability of hedgehog quills and new ideas are being produced as we speak.
I had a blast working with this team. Tasks are effectively assigned to each of the team members competency in the research area. Use of technologies were integrated into the module, making assignments more engaging and fun. Furthermore, team members are committed into completing this assignment even when each of us are busy with other projects from other modules. Akin to nature working together in keeping the balance of the earth's ecosystem, each and every team members managed to pull themselves together towards finishing the blog assignment for Engineering and Biomimetics module and with that, I'm proud of the team.
As a chemical engineer, the main task is often linked to process control and process designing. All of the modules are thus designed as such, however Engineering and Biomimetics is different in that regard. It is a module that is linked to engineering in a unique way and allows thought development that is unusual to regular engineering designs. By accessing nature and its “products”, humans have learned a great deal not only in the modern era but since the dawn of humanity. Various applications of biomimetics are becoming common and is one of the ways forward for engineering design since it is a means for sustainable development that humans crave so much right now.
Hedgehog’s biology is a recent target for engineers and innovators. Hedgehog spines are looked at with great interest and deep understand down to their unique design of shock absorption. This inspired the team to apply the hedgehop spine shock absorption design to elbow and knee pads.
My personal task for this project is listed as “Industrial Application: Shock Absorbing Elbow and Knee Pads” in the blog. The design process of the pads was complicated since many aspects had to be considered due to the fact that the team did not want to have a reductive view but a holistic view to the project. This required effort on the design part and finding suitable materials as well as other aspects such as funding had to be considered heavily.
Biomimetics have found a home in engineering applications and many unique and interesting applications exists in the world right now. The application of the hedgehog spine design as a means to shock absorbing elbow and knee pads in an industrial environment is a sound and unique approach to a product that is long overdue for an upgrade. The design is unique and provides the user with much safer working gear then currently present in the market, which means it is likely to be success among workers and other users alike. Due to this uniqueness and no such design available in the market it can be easily patented.
I would personally thank my team for working hard on the project and making it a success in terms of coming up with a design, that is not only workable but has a high chance of success. Their hard work, co-operation and effort helped in overcoming the hurdles faced during the project. Overall, the with the effort put in by all the members, the project was easier to handle and all the tasks were completed with great efficiency and a positive approach.
Muhd. Yasir
There is more to hedgehogs than meets the eyes. Previously, I have never thought that hedgehog quills can act as a shock absorber. Having own three cute hedgehogs as pets myself, I rarely see these cute animals use these their quills other than to defend themselves. This may also because I have never expose them to dangerous heights and let them fall just to observe their shock absorbing quills in action. I was so afraid to try it also because hedgehogs are also known to have shortsighted eyes. They would not be able to guess the height if I leave them on a high edge. If they do jump, it would probably injure them and make me as an owner sad. Having said that, hedgehogs are still wild animals that are largely domesticated, so hedgehog owners like me might think that there are soft and gentle creatures even though in reality they do climb tall trees in search of food and occasionally, they may fall from these trees to avoid predators or unintentionally.
Doing this project has opened my eyes about the possibilities of biomimicry applications not just to hedgehogs, but also to other animals that we may see every day as common animals that do not have any biomimetic values. In fact, a lot of new successful engineering designs today are somewhat based on biomimicry application thanks to the hard work of engineers and researchers. I am therefore grateful that this quite new field of engineering biomimetics is gaining more and more attention from aspiring researchers that would help make the world a better place.